APEONE is a professional commercial video production company offering full media communication solution capabilities. In the construction of the brand visual system, a square, a circle and a horizontal bar were chosen as the basic variables of the brand symbols that together form the characteristic elements of the camera and at the same time the variable brand identity. The English and Chinese characters and the graphic identity are structured as an organic whole, and each part can also appear separately.

    猩一(APEONE) 是一家专业的商业影像制作公司,提供全媒体传播的方案解决能力。在此次品牌视觉系统的建构中,选取方形,圆形和横杠作为品牌符号的基本变量共同构成摄影机的特征元素,同时又是可变的品牌识别。中英文和图形标识在结构上上形成有机的整体,每一部分亦可单独出现。


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