100 METERS ABOVE THE GROUND, an art project curated by SUPRASENSE, will be held at CHAO TOP HOUSE, the top floor space of CHAO Hotel in Sanlitun. This time, 100 METERS ABOVE THE GROUND will be based on music, from 80s disco to rock and roll to the current nightlife choice - bouncing. Not only can you pogo at 100m above ground, the concurrent events also include film screenings, art installations, a collection of goodies and more. The three-day music extravaganza will take place in Sanlitun, a trendy destination in the capital, at the top of the five-star CHAO hotel.
由素朴三思策划的艺术项目:离地一百米(100 METERS ABOVE THE GROUND) 将在三里屯CHAO酒店顶层空间CHAO TOP HOUSE正式开启。此次,我们将100这个概念作为解构的对象,使用0和1作为基础和变量(在后网络时代计算机语言中,所有数据指令也都基于二进制0和1表示),延展出一系列跳跃的带有律动性的辅助识别。同时我们将色彩和图形视作可流动的主体对象,在这套系统中尽可能的体现其可变性和不确定性,重要的是视觉策略和建立规则,而非某一画面的呈现。