• Vorteil: Deutsch!德语优选


    The "Vorteil: Deutsch!" project is an initiative of the German Cultural Centre Beijing - Goethe-Institut China to draw attention to the advantages of German as a language. Within the framework of the project "German as a Foreign Language", the Goethe-Institut China will use the "Contact. Promote. Research." (in the original German: Vernetzen. Fördern. Forschen.) for the various activities of the project. The visual scheme continues the brand logic of the Goethe-Institut and reflects the purpose of interconnection.

    Vorteil: Deutsch! “德语优选”项目由北京德国文化中心·歌德学院(中国)倡议举行,希望借此项目吸引人们关注德语这门语言的优势。在“德语优选”项目的框架下,歌德学院(中国)将使用“联络。促进。研究。”(德语原文为:Vernetzen. Fördern. Forschen.)这一宣传语用于该项目的各类活动。该视觉方案延续了歌德学院的品牌逻辑,体现互联的宗旨。