As 2020 was a special year, numerous public cultural events had to be cancelled or postponed, and the Supai Sanshi was also affected.
    "#" means #Hashtag - a hashtag that has become almost standard on social networks, in an age where any discussion you want to start is simply a matter of typing a "#". SUPRASENSE wants to appear as an Not only does SUPRASENSE produce its own hashtags, but as a professional platform for cross-border art management and content integration, we hope that every exhibitor or visitor can work together to create them. In addition, we also value every voice that can be heard.

    “#”的意思是#Hashtag-话题标签。Hashtag 几乎成为社交网络的标配,在这样一个时代任何想发起的讨论只需要打出一个“#”。SUPRASENSE希望以一种意见领袖或话题发起者的身份出现,不仅SUPRASENSE本身生产话题,作为艺术跨界经营和内容整合服务的专业平台,我们希望每一位展商或观众都可以共同来制造话题。


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